Frequently Asked Questions

Hi! I’m Eileen (she/her) and I run Queer of Colour.

So you might be interested in being featured on Queer of Colour? Awesome!

This is how it works.

We’ll schedule a time that works for both of us, either in person (if possible) or online. We’ll chat for about two hours on a variety of topics, including your family’s migration history, your work and career, any hobbies and passions you’d like to share, your experience being a a queer person of colour. If we’re meeting in person, I’ll also take some photos of you.

The stories you share and photos I take will be posted on an Instagram account, a Twitter account, a Facebook page, and on the Queer of Colour website. You will take the lead in terms of how much you want to share, or topics you don’t want to talk about. You can also advise on the types of photos you want taken, or if you want to use another image to represent you. Your safety and comfort is the top priority.

Still have questions? No problem. Here are some frequently asked ones.

What are you going to do with all these pictures and stuff?
Initially, any story you share with me and any of the photos taken will be published on Queer of Colour’s website, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. There may be opportunities for your stories to appear in other online platforms, at in-person exhibits or events, or even in a book. If I think your story would be a good fit for any of these additional opportunities, I’ll let you know and ask for your permission to use your story in that way.

Eek! I don’t like that picture!
You’re a beautiful person and any photo of you is beautiful. I will make every effort to select photos that flatter you. If you have a “good side,” or have certain sensitivities when it comes to getting your photo taken, please let me know. We can discuss how best to capture images that make you feel safe and confident.

Wait—that’s not what I said!
Oh no, did I get something wrong?! While I make every effort to accurately capture your story, there may be times when I’ve misunderstood something you’ve said. If that’s the case, please let me know and I will review what was published. If a factual error was made, I’ll make sure it’s corrected as quickly as possible.

Can I review my story before you publish it?
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to send you your story for review before publishing it. But again, I make every effort to accurately capture your story, so I hope you’ll be happy with what gets published. If a factual error was made, I’ll make sure it’s corrected as quickly as possible.

I’d like to be involved, but I don’t want people I know to find out.
I totally get it—your stories are personal and sometimes our circumstances make it risky for us to put ourselves out there. If that’s the case, let me know and we can discuss ways you can participate while being safe. This could include anonymizing your story and pictures so that no one can identify you from what is published.

Can I submit photos I already have?
If you have photos you’d like to share, please let me know. We can discuss whether they’re suitable for Queer of Colour and how best to incorporate them into your story.

I hate photos. I don’t want my picture taken.
Totally understandable. If you’d rather not have your picture taken, please let me know and we can discuss alternatives. This could include photos of your silhouette, or photos of objects or places that are important to you.

If we don’t meet in person, how will you take my picture?
If we chat online, I may ask to take a screenshot of you sitting in front of your computer. In this case, be sure you’re happy with your background! I may also ask you to submit photos to be used with your stories. In this case, please also include the name of the person who took the photo and confirmation that they’ve approved its use on Queer of Colour.

Will I get paid for this?
Unfortunately, this is an unfunded project without a budget to pay participants. I am volunteering my own time and resources to amplify the voices of queer people of colour and I greatly appreciate your contributions!

Can I get copies of the story and photos that are published?
If you’d like to use the story and/or photos that are taken as part of the Queer of Colour project, please let me know. Depending on the purpose, I’m usually happy to share, so long as the stories and photos are properly credited.

Did I miss anything? If there’s something else you’d like to know that I haven’t covered, please shoot me a message and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks so much for your interest!